Thursday, May 29, 2014

In town

Today I want to introduce you a small part of the city of my soul, Iasi.
Also named the city of the seven hills due to the relief with altitudes ranging between 40 and 400 m, is the cultural center, economic and academic of Moldova area. Iasi is the city of great ideas, the first major union, the first theatrical performance in Romanian language, the first literary memorial museum and the first Museum of Natural History. Here was founded and operates the first university in Romania, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, today one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the country, university that I graduated and I'm very proud of. In terms of sightseeing and recreational opportunities of the city is very tender with many historical monuments and buildings with historical significance and unique architecture; churches and monasteries, knowing that this city runs various religious processions; parks and gardens, museums and cultural institutions. Not to mention the multitude of cafes, terraces and clubs spread on the city. However the core is represented by the Palace of Culture (former Royal Palace) area, which you can admire it in the photos below. This perimeter blends the fashionable with bohemian, the modern with antiquated, the contemporary with historical.
Hug you all!

Astazi vreau sa va prezint un pic orasul meu de suflet, Iasi
Supranumit si orasul celor sapte coline datorita formelor de relief avand altitudini variind intre 40 si 400 m, este centrul cultural, economic si academic al MoldoveiIasiul este orasul marilor idei, al primei mari uniri, al primului spectacol de teatru in limba romana, al primului muzeu literar memorial si al primului Muzeu de Istorie Naturala. Aici a fost fondata si funcționeaza prima universitate din Romania, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, astazi una dintre cele mai prestigioase instituții academice din tara, universitate pe care am absolvit-o si eu si de care sunt foarte mandra. Din punct de vedere al obiectivelor turistice cat si al posibilitatilor de agrement orasul este foarte ofertant avand nenumarate cladiri si monumente istorice cu o incarcatura istorica si o arhitectura aparte; biserici si manastiri stiut fiind faptul ca in acest oras se desfasoara diferite procesiuni religioase; parcuri si gradini, muzee si institutii culturale. Sa nu uitam insa, de multitudinea cafenelelor si teraselor care impanzesc orasul cat si a cluburilor. Totusi nucleul aflandu-se in zona Palatului Culturii (fostul Palat Domnesc), pe care puteti sa-l admirati in fotografiile de mai jos. Acest perimetru impleteste mondenul cu boemu, modernul cu perimatul, contemporanul cu istoricul.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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