Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Boohoo interpretation

What I love about this look is that you can make up the rules as you go along. The idea is to create something that is soft and feminine. Is all about mixing and matching creating a balance between mess, artistic and vintage chic.  What is also great about this style is that you can adapt it through the seasons. 
I will describe it as a great casual daywear having as a principals defining elements: ethnic influence, floppy hat, wide leg trousers, fringed bags, large sunglasses, maxi length skirt, big belts, print tunic, waistcoat... Even more important to remember is that boohoo suits all shapes and sizes.
When it comes to accessories the more the merrier but I must admit I'm always scared to put to many this it always been my fear :( I'm still working on it.
On the below post I gave a new interpretation of this style adding a romantic touch by the hairstyle.
Hug you all!

Ceea ce ador la acest stil este ca poti crea regulile din mers. Ideea principala este aceea de a crea ceva lejer si feminin. Totul consta in a combina si a asorta creand in acelasi timp o balanta intre aparent neglijent, artistic si vintage chic. Ceea ce este deasemenea grozav la acest stil este faptul ca piesele vestimentare pot fi adaptate de la un sezon la altul.
L-as descrie ca un stil casual de zi avand ca principale elemente definitorii: influente etnice, palari cu boruri mari care atarna, pantaloni evazati, genti cu franjuri, ochelari de soare mari, fuste lungi, curele late, bluze cu imprimeuri, veste... Si mai important de retinut este faptul ca stilul boohoo vine bine pe orice fel de silueta.
Cat despre accesorii cu atat mai multe cu atat mai bine, insa trebuie sa admit ca mereu mi-a fost teama sa pun prea multe, aceasta fiind temerea mea :( dar inca lucrez la acest aspect.
In postarea de mai jos am dat o noua interpretare acestui stil adaugand o nota romantica prin coafura.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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