Saturday, May 31, 2014

Gypsy heart

Encyclopedia lesson of today will be in tune with the chosen style so I will present generalities about Gypsy world.
The origin behind the "Gypsy" term or (Zingari, tsigans, Zigeuner, cigan, cikani) derived from the Greek word "athinganein" (translated: "do not touch"),  which was the name of a heretic sect on which it was practiced the isolationism. Because in the Middle Ages it was assumed that the gypsy originated in Egypt in some languages ​​use other names for them, derived from the word "Egyptian" like "Gypsy", "Gitano" and others.
Gypsy style is inspired by Gypsy wear, being easy to spot due to the explosion of electrifying colors and  by the opulence of accessories and here I am referring primarily to the large and round earrings and the already famed coins; is already known their affinity for gold or golden. The gypsy ladies choose to wear clothing in colors according to their moods, so blue-green means sad soul , yellow and orange happiness and ruby- red means love and luck. They are adding a romantic air with the braids hairstyles made​​. 
Gypsy style has become also wearable  for the rest of the masses and not just by the minorities, being adapted and stylized so that it fits the trends of the moment.
Hug you all <3

Lectia de enciclopedie de astazi va fi in ton cu stilul ales si anume va voi prezenta generalitati din lumea tiganilor.

Provenienta termenului de "Č›igani" (zingari, tsigans, zigeuner, cigani, cikani) deriva din grecescul "athinganein", (tradus: "a nu se atinge"), care era numele unei secte de heretici asupra carora se practica izolaČ›ionismul.  Pentru ca in evul mediu se presupunea ca originea romilor ar fi din egipt in unele limbi se folosesc alte denumiri derivate din cuvantul “egiptean” cum ar fi: "gypsy", "gitano", s.a. 
Stilul gypsy este inspirat din portul tiganesc remarcanduse foarte usor datorita exploziei de culori electrizante cat si a accesoriilor opulente si aici ma refer in primul rand la cerceii mari si rotunzi cat si la deja faimosii banuti; tot de notorietate fiind si afinitatea lor pentru aur sau auriu. Tigancile aleg sa poarte hainele in culori in functie de starea lor de spirit, astfel, albastru- verzui inseamna suflet trist, galbenul si portocaliul fericire, iar rosul- rubiniu inseamna dragoste si noroc. La toate astea se adauga coafurile realizate prin impletituri. Acest stil a devenit purtabil si de restul maselor nu doar de minoritati, fiind adaptat si stilizat astfel incat sa se incadreze in trendurile momentului.
Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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