Monday, October 20, 2014


This outfit I planned to wear it to an event that took place a week ago and I haven't attend it in the end, so I thought to put the outfit on stage for you now. The basic elements are the simplest ever, a silk white shirt and a black skirt, but the main piece is the authentic belt inspired by the Romanian traditional costumes and the hairstyle inspired by Russian. I love the elements borrowed from the national costumes, especially those of our country, and using them to build a modern outfit, I believe these specials items lend a bohemian, ingenue and a very feminine air.
Hug you all!

Aceasta tinuta imi propusesem sa o port la un eveniment care a avut loc acum o saptamana si la care nu am mai ajuns asa incat m-am gandit sa pun tinuta in scena pentru voi. Elementele de baza sunt cele mai simpliste ever si anume o camasa de matase alba si o fusta neagra insa piesa de rezistenta o reprezinta braul autentic inspirat din portul traditional romanesc si coafura de inspiratie ruseasca. Ador elementele imprumutate din costumele nationale, mai ales cele ale tarii noastre, si incorporate intr-o tinuta moderna, mi se pare ca dau un aer, boem, ingenu si deosebit de feminin.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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