Friday, March 21, 2014

Old school

Tweed is originally from Scotland and Ireland being produced by farmers using wool from their own sheep, in order to produce sustainable and warm cloth.
It was at first used by man as a sport garment worn during the hunting expedition, but soon it become a very popular coat for the English aristocracy. The tweed tailor proved a strong influence across the time being adopted by men and women as well.
The most known brand of tweed of all times is Harris Tweed though in the last years of fashion it was a notable presence in many of the designers collections.
Hug you all!

Tweed-ul este originar din Scotia si Irlanda fiind produs de fermieri folosind lana de la propiile oi cu scopul de a produce haine confortabile si calduroase.
Acest tip de stofa a fost folosit la inceput in vederea confectionarii articolelor sportive de imbracaminte pentru barbati purtate in timpul expeditiilor de vanatoare, devenind curand foarte populara in randul clasei aristocrate din Anglia. Sacoul "tweed" s-a dovedit a avea o influenta puternica de-a lungul timpului fiind adoptat atat de barbati cat si de femei deopotriva.
Cea mai cunoscuta marca de tweed din toate timpurile este Harris Tweed desi in ultimii ani acest tip de stofa a fost o prezenta notabila in multe dintre colectiile designer-ilor.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

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