Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Silver moon

Today I'm in a "leather mood" although the attraction point are the silver shoes, that's the reason why I chose neutral color palette. 
Hug you all!

Azi am o dispozitie pentru "piele" desi punctul de astractie sunt pantofii arginti, acesta fiind si motivul pentru care am optat pentru o paleta coloristica neutra.
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Monday, April 28, 2014

Street style

Being such a sunny day I decided to enjoy it by having a walk with my good friend. As I already mentioned before I'm a big fan of the sporty style thus voila....
Hug you all <3

Fiind asa o zi insorita am decis sa ma bucur de ea printr-o plimbare in compania unei bune prietene. Asa cum am mai mentionat inainte sunt un mare fan a stilului sportiv deci voila..
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Today I had a great sunny day on the country side enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of dandelions. The landscape doesn't need any description as is speaking for himself, the beauty of the place is undeniable. The peaceful silence is only interrupted by the trill of birds.
Hug you all!

Astazi am avut parte de o zi insorita si grozava la tara, bucurandu-ma de aerul proaspat si de frumusetea papadiilor poaspat inflorite. Peisajul nu are nevoie de nici o descriere el vorbind de la sine. Frumusetea locului fiind de necontestat, tacerea linistitoare fiind intrerupta doar de triluirile pasarilor.
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Friday, April 18, 2014

Fierce fashion

Animal print will never go out of fashion, adds lots of wow to any look and sex appeal to your wardrobe. But, there are some specific rules in wearing it as the line between stylish and excessive is very thin. That is why when we are opting for an animal print garment item is recommended  to combine it with items  from the same color palette. E.g. if your choice is tiger print then you should mix it with black, brown or nude color, for accessories the golden color is the best option BUT do not over- accessorize let the print to be in the central of attention. If your choice is a zebra print the black or white  is the best pick. Also opt for classic neutral-colored animal prints.
Hug you all!

Animal print nu va iesi niciodata din trend, adauga multi de WOW tinutei tale cat si sex- appeal. Dar, trebuie tinut cont de niste "reguli" simple in ceea ce priveste purtarea acestui print deoarece linia intre stil si kitch este une foarte subtire. De aceea cand optezi pentru a purta o piesa animal print este recomandat sa o combini cu piese din aceeasi paleta coloristica. Ex. daca alegerea ta este reprezentata de o piesa cu imprimeu de tigru atunci ar trebui sa o combinati cu negru, maro sau nude/ bej, in ceea ce priveste accesoriile auriul este alegerea cea mai buna, DAR nu supraincarcati! Lasati printul sa fie in centrul atentiei. Daca alegerea ta este un print zebra atunci negrul sau albul reprezinta cele mai bune alegeri. Deasemenea optati pentru culorile naturale in ceea ce priveste animal- printul.
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Thursday, April 17, 2014

The iconic tweed

Is nothing as generic as the iconic tweed lunched up in women fashion by Coco Chanel. Inspired by menswear generally and by a Duke particularly. The look quickly became popular in all couture houses in Paris at first and for everybody later's on. At the beginning Chanel produced her iconic tweed fabrics for everything from sportswear to suits and coats.
Hug you all <3
Nu exista ceva mai generic decat emblematicul tweed lansat in moda feminina de Coco Chanel. Inspirata din moda masculina in general si de Duce in particular stilul a devenit repede foarte popular in toate casele de moda din Pris, la inceput si pentru restul lumii mai apoi. La inceput Chanel a produs țesătura specifica emblematicului tweed pentru orice, de la imbracaminte sport la costume si la paltoane. 
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