Friday, March 28, 2014

Relaxed office wear

Today choice is a relaxed apparel by mixing up elements from the office attire with elements from rock chic style. The classic black and white is spiced up with a statement necklace and, spiked boots. 
Hug you all <3

Azi am ales o tinuta relaxata prin combinarea elementelor din tinuta office cu elemente din stilul rock chic. Clasicul alb si negru este condimentat de un colier statement si de botinele cu tinte.
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Monday, March 24, 2014

Cheeky mixture

Today I decide to feel relaxed and sexy wearing a cheeky mixture, associating different types of textures from different types of style areas. Combining leather with fur and cotton accessorized in a stylized manner.
Hug you all!

Astazi am decis sa ma simt confortabil si sexi deopotriva adoptand pentru o combinatie indrazneata, prin asocierea unor texturi diferite din diferite zone de stil. Combinand astfel piele cu blana si bumbac accesorizate intr-o maniera stilizata.
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Friday, March 21, 2014

Old school

Tweed is originally from Scotland and Ireland being produced by farmers using wool from their own sheep, in order to produce sustainable and warm cloth.
It was at first used by man as a sport garment worn during the hunting expedition, but soon it become a very popular coat for the English aristocracy. The tweed tailor proved a strong influence across the time being adopted by men and women as well.
The most known brand of tweed of all times is Harris Tweed though in the last years of fashion it was a notable presence in many of the designers collections.
Hug you all!

Tweed-ul este originar din Scotia si Irlanda fiind produs de fermieri folosind lana de la propiile oi cu scopul de a produce haine confortabile si calduroase.
Acest tip de stofa a fost folosit la inceput in vederea confectionarii articolelor sportive de imbracaminte pentru barbati purtate in timpul expeditiilor de vanatoare, devenind curand foarte populara in randul clasei aristocrate din Anglia. Sacoul "tweed" s-a dovedit a avea o influenta puternica de-a lungul timpului fiind adoptat atat de barbati cat si de femei deopotriva.
Cea mai cunoscuta marca de tweed din toate timpurile este Harris Tweed desi in ultimii ani acest tip de stofa a fost o prezenta notabila in multe dintre colectiile designer-ilor.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Platforms free

Years on the roll we saw the platform shoes on the catwalk shows, we loved them, we adored them, and we wore them, we bought them in all colours and models but now is time to say GOOD BYE!
When it comes to Christian Louboutin the things that are coming in our minds are SHOES, impressive high hills, sex-appeal and last but not least sensational design. Yes, he is the master of the shoes, elevating his profession to an art.
Once again with his Spring- Summer 2014 Collection he proved us that his talent and his imagination is beyond any expectation.
Hug you all <3

Anii de-a randul am tot vazut pantofii cu platforme in shourile de catwalk, i-am iubit, i-am adorat si i-am purtat, i-am cumparat in toate culorile si modelele insa acum a sosit vremea sa le spunem ADIO!
Cand vine vorba de Christian Louboutin lucrurile care ne vin in minte sunt PANTOFI, tocuri impresionante, sex- appeal si nu in cele din urma un design senzational. Da, el este maestrul suprem al pantofilor, ridicand profesia la rang de arta.
Inca odata prin colectia sa de Primavara- Vara 2014 ne-a dovedit ca taletul si imaginatia sa sunt dincolo de orice asteptare.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Old Square Shirt

Today I added a plus of comfort wearing a square shirt. This item has become already a must in any wardrobe, being easy to wear in different combinations and, in different types of style, thanks to the versatility that this item offers.
Hug you all <3

Astazi am adaugat un plus de confort alegand sa port o camasa cu patratele. Aceasta pieasa a devenit deja un must have in orice garderoba fiind usor de purtat in diferire combinatii cat si in diferite tipuri de stil datorita versatilitatii pe care o ofera.
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Friday, March 14, 2014

Welcome spring!

Today is the sunniest day of this year so far, therefore I decided to welcome the sun wearing his colour. I choose a classy coat à la Jackie Kennedy mixed with an asymmetrical/ oriental print shirt and, completing the story with a donut bun.
Hug you all <3

Astazi este cea mai insorita zi din acest an de pana acum, asa incat am decis sa-i urez "Bun venit!" soarelui purtandu-i culoarea. Am ales o haina clasica à la Jackie Kennedy combinata cu  o camasa cu un print oriental, asimetrica si completand povestea cu un coc tip colac.
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Monday, March 10, 2014

A shy start

The fur vest is one of my favorite items from the wardrobe and, always a good choice for most of the outfits. Is one of the most versatile pieces making perfect match in lots of combinations. That’s the reason why you will see it in lots of my posts. This model I’m wearing is from ZARA  ecological fur having a texture and a color very close to natural.
Hug you all <3

Vesta de blana este una dintre piesele mele preferate din garderoba si mereu o alegere buna pentru majoritatea tinutelor. Este une dintre cele mai versatile piese potrivinduse in multe combinatii acesta fiind si motivul pentru care o veti regasii in multe dintre postarile mele. Modelul pe care il port acum este un model ZARA din blana ecologica avand o textura si o culoare foarte apropiata de cea naturala.
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Sunday, March 2, 2014

My first passion #TRAVELING

The first 3 appearances I'm looking for when it comes to travel are: comfort, freshness and stylish (the order can be random). A good tip is represented by the detail.  Add a detail and this will give a special touch to your outfit. It can be represented by a hat, a scarf, a vest or some other accessories like couple of bracelets or some fashionable chains. 
Hug you all <3

Primele 3 aspecte care-mi vin in minte cand vine vorba de calatorii sunt: confort, prospetime si stil (ordinea poate fi aleatoare). Un pont bun este reprezentat de detalii. Adauga un detaliu iar asta ii vei da o nota speciala tinutei tale.Detaliul poate fi reprezentat fie de o palarie, fie o esarfa, o vesta sau orice alte accesorii cum ar fi cateva bratari sau alte gablonturi in tendinte.
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